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Glider Towing and Parking


The Aero Club L’Aquila home base, the Aviosuperficie L’Aquila, is one of the best places in Italy for gliding! The perfect location in the middle of the Aterno river valley, surrounded by hills and mountains, makes our airfield the ideal place for gliding, especially during the warm season.

Glider Parking

You can come and stay at the Aviosuperficie L’Aquila with your glider and enjoy the fantastic complimentary services, including the club house with briefing room, weather station, social area, kitchen, toilets and a free Wi-Fi! On top of that, a water pipe is available directly on the parking stands in order to fill the water ballast of your glider if required! There are various options you can choose to park your glider. You can reserve your parking space on a daily, weekly, monthly or seasonal basis. Please note that a limited number of parking spaces is available (maximum 20 gliders at the same time are allowed in the entire airfield). This is clearly an advantage for the pilots who opt to stay at us because it is never going to be too crowded and all they will be given our undivided attention!

Towing Service

The towing service is provided by Aero Club L’Aquila with its own towing aircrafts and pilots. Aero Club has its own Robin DR400 which is powerful and reliable aircraft for towing! The authorised pilots are all experienced in towing and they are available daily in order to provide the best possible service for our guests. Please note that all the pilots are members of the club and they provide this service on a voluntary basis with no remuneration (they just enjoy towing!!!). Do not hesitate to contact us to get more information and reserve your parking space for your perfect Italian gliding holiday!

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Tecnam Aircrafts

Fondazione CARISPAQ


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