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About our school

Aero Club L’Aquila has an excellent reputation for the fixed wing courses and facilities on offer. Unlike many training airfields, our students and pilots alike benefit from operating out from a quiet airfield located in an uncongested airspace, but not too far away from more challenging and busier commercial airports such as Pescara or Rome, both of which are within 25/30 minutes of flight time from the airfield.

Hundreds of people have learnt to fly in our Aero Club. Many of those who have flown with us have gone on to become professional airline pilots with Italian and European popular airlines. Others have become our very own instructors, and some have bought their own aircraft and fly for pleasure!

The passion for flying is what everyone who learns and continues to fly with us shares. This is undoubtedly one of the valuable benefits of being a flying club and school at the same time. Here at Aero Club L’Aquila you can come and talk to others who share the same interest and love of flight.

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Tecnam Aircrafts

Fondazione CARISPAQ


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