When the weather is not great for flying or if you have just landed and you want to spend few hours or few days in the splendid L’Aquila area, there are plenty of options to choose from! Culture and history come together with the untouched nature of the inner Abruzzo offering countless places to visit and enjoy! Majestic medieval castles and forts, cosy villages and towns, charming old churches and stunning natural attractions such as national parks, mountains, plateaus, caves, lakes, rivers and much more will never give you the chance to get bored visiting L’Aquila and surroundings!

Gastronomy is literally the cherry on the cake of our beautiful area! The extraordinary local food products, excellent wines and beers locally made are well presented and served in many local restaurants and trattorie. Furthermore, you can easily find amazing local specialties in the hundreds of bakeries, cheese shops and local food shops you can easily find simply visiting the villages and towns around.
You can also enjoy several activities in each season! Hiking and cycling trails, skiing resorts and much more are available depending on the season you visit our airfield!
The Aviosuperficie L’Aquila, thanks to its position right in the middle of the Apennines, is one of the best choices for the aviators looking for a peaceful place where to land in order to get some rest, food or even take a break from flying and have a look around!
We shortlisted few of the best among the countless places you can find in our lovely local area.
The city of L’Aquila, with its population of about 70000 people, is the capital of the Abruzzo region. Located on a hilltop in the middle of the Aterno river valley, with its lovely historical city centre rich in churches, historical building, squares and streets, L’Aquila offers a lot to see and do. The city, even if severely damaged by an earthquake in 2009, has a daily population of around 100.000 people coming into the city for working, studying and tourism purposes. The city is home of the University of L’Aquila that, with its young students makes the city vibrant and famous for its nightlife! Thanks to theatres, cinemas, cultural associations and institutions, the cultural life in the city has never stopped to exist even during the hardship subsequent to the 2009 earthquake..

Grotte di Stiffe (AQ)
Few kilometres away from the airfield, an amazing cave, “Grotte di Stiffe”, is located. The cave is almost 1000 m long, 700 m of which are open to the public.

Rocca Calascio
Rocca Calascio is a majestic medieval castle located within the borders of the Gran Sasso National Park. With its altitude of 1460 m AMSL, it is the highest castle in Italy! The castle foundation has been dated to the 1000 AD, even if the first historical record dates back to 1380 AD. Underneath the castle there is a splendid abandoned village where only a couple of taverns to can get some refreshment and local food during your visit can be found.

Gran Sasso
The Gran Sasso (even known as Gran Sasso d’Italia) is the highest mountain range in the Italian Apennines with its peak, Corno Grande, which reach an altitude of 2914 m AMSL.

Lake of Campotosto
The lake of Campotosto is the biggest artificial lake located in the Abruzzo region. It is located at an altitude of 1313 m AMSL within the borders of the Gran Sasso National Park.